Wednesday, August 12, 2020


In Week 2, Wattle Grove Primary School celebrated NAIDOC Week. With the COVID-19 restrictions easing, we were finally able to meet with our buddies in Room 7 for the first time. Room 27 were so excited to meet and get to know their Pre-primary and Year 1 buddies and what a better way than to join together to celebrate NAIDOC Week. We started the afternoon by reading the dreamtime story ‘The Rainbow Serpent’. We then created our own giant rainbow serpent by splitting up into our buddy pairs and dot painting a part of its body. When the body pieces were dry, we stuck them together to create one big rainbow serpent. While students waited for their turn to dot paint, they coloured in boomerangs and got to know their buddies. Miss Ryan and I were extremely impressed with the wonderful job room 27 did guiding and assisting their Pre-primary and Year 1 buddy to complete these activities. We can’t wait to meet up with Room 7 again.
Awesome job Room 27!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Poetry Recital

 Dear Parents,


In Week 5, we are asking students to recite a poem to their peers. This could be a poem they have written themselves. It would be good if the student could recite the poem from memory. The timetable for the Room 27 poetry recital in week 5 is below:

In Week 4, students will ONLY have SPELLING homework to complete so they can rehearse their poem. The Maths and Reading homework are optional.


Each recital should be no longer than 2 minutes. Children will need to focus on their voice and expression, movement, action and enthusiasm. Props and sound effects can also be used.


If you have any questions about the poetry recital, please come and see us.


Kind regards,


Miss McKercher and Ms Martin.

Dance party, Class Picnic & farewell from Miss McKercher & Ms Martin

This year’s dance party was a little different with the absence of parents, but that didn’t stop Room 27 from giving it their all and dancin...