Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Bushfire Fundraiser

Congratulations to the students and families of WGPS for raising over $1400 in our 'Aussie Day' fundraiser. The money raised will be donated to those affected by the recent bushfires.

Save Fred!

Image result for save fred

To finish off a busy and very successful first week back, the students were given a fun collaborative group task to solve. Their mission: Save Fred! Fred is a worm who went sailing in a boat. Unfortunately Fred was not wearing his life jacket when it suddenly upturned in rough seas. Fred ended up on top of his upturned boat with his life jacket underneath. The students had to work collaboratively in their groups to help Fred get his life jacket on. However, they could not touch Fred, the boat or his life jacket with their hands. They were given 4 paperclips to use instead to save Fred. This activity involved lots of cooperation and teamwork, and I am pleased to say that 2 groups were able to save Fred!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Welcome to Room 27’s Blog for 2020!

Students have made a fantastic start to 2020 and we are very pleased with how well they have settled into the new school year. The first few weeks were focussed on setting standards, routines and revising previous concepts and skills. It is great to see so many students completing their weekly ‘Motivational Work’ at home and to see their eagerness to start Literacy Pro. All students have now completed a Literacy Pro Test and are ready to begin reading books and completing quizzes at their Lexile Level.

The WGPS Bushfire fundraiser raised over $1400 for the appeal. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Aussie Day dress up. The money raised will go towards helping those affected by the bushfires.

Let’s keep up the amazing work Room 27!

Dance party, Class Picnic & farewell from Miss McKercher & Ms Martin

This year’s dance party was a little different with the absence of parents, but that didn’t stop Room 27 from giving it their all and dancin...